1. Minimum standard for rootball diameter is 10” per caliper inch. Rootball diameter may be larger if any of the following are true:
•Tree canopy is large (Most of our trees are grown on a 14’ x 14’ spacing. Therefore, the canopies
of the trees are larger than normal).
•Tree has multiple stems.
•Tree is harvested at less than optimal time (e.g. after tree has leafed out too far in spring, if tree is summer-dug/stage-dug, if tree is dug too early in the fall).
2. Rootball weights will vary depending on the depth of the rootball, moisture level of the rootball and type of soil.
3. The caliper of the trunk is measured at 6 inches above the ground for trees up to and including 4” in caliper. The caliper of the trunk for trees over 4” is measured at 12 inches above the ground.
4. An 8 ½’ rootball is the largest that can be shipped legally without special permits.
5. For larger trees, a drop deck/step deck trailer will allow for the largest number of trees to be loaded on a trailer. A drop deck or double drop deck/low boy trailer is necessary for trees with 8 ½’ rootballs and trees with large canopies that cannot be tied-in to about 8’ or less, as the standard maximum height for a load is 13’ 6”.